


Product details



First. structure features

1、The machine is suitable for different diameter of forming moulds ;

2、Full automatic stacking, economizing labour and reducing the cost;

3、High efficiency, the machine can stack in 14 channels in the same time;

4、Simple structure, convenient for adjusting;

5、Dependable stacking quality。

Second. the technical parameters

model parameter
Out put applicable for 2~3 rows of moulds, 30000pc/h
Power source 3 phases 380V, 1.1KW
Adjusting method by inverter
Suitable cup caliber φ65-φ100mm
Suitable cup height 70-120mm
Weight about 1t
五常市| 额尔古纳市| 郎溪县| 桓台县| 陵水| 潜江市| 连云港市| 师宗县| 东乡县| 神池县| 华安县| 漳平市| 锡林郭勒盟| 仙居县| 抚顺市| 水城县| 勃利县| 贵港市| 铜山县| 瓮安县| 普陀区| 松滋市| 柞水县| 舞钢市| 都匀市| 方城县| 吴堡县| 长乐市| 城固县| 汽车| 墨玉县| 白朗县| 云和县| 宁强县| 利津县| 诸城市| 襄汾县| 临桂县| 三亚市| 揭西县| 安阳县|